A mastercopy of a Calvin and Hobbes strip by Bill Waterson. Although my copy isn't perfect, it doesn't need to be. It can't be haha.
I had a real fun time putting myself into Watterson's shoes. Throughout my copy, I found it really difficult to draw Calvin aside from Hobbes. It seemed Hobbes would be more of a challenge but in the end Calvin kept my eraser busy.
Our goals for this week's comic were the following:
#2 Design = clarity, readable
#3 Make it "professional"
The most difficult thing was coming up with the idea. It couldn't just be a chuckle, but a "LAUGH OUT LOUD" comic. After John gave out the assignment, I literally blanked out, telling myself, "wow this is going to be reaaaaaaal tough." So the best thing to do was to brainstorm! YES BRAINSTORM!!!
Nothing. Nothing worthy!
Then I tried analyzing some of the things I thought were funny. It helped a bit, but still for me, thinking of something funny is much easier than writing it to express how funny it is. Geez!
With some of the ideas I would've gone with, I wanted to still stick with my experiences. Things that I knew about. It's hard enough trying to create something I barely knew about, only ending up making it half-assed and lame...
This week's comic was based on my trip to University Art. After my roomates and I stocked ourselves with mountains of groceries from Costco, we headed to University Art for none other than some magical art supplies. I needed to buy 6 Carbethello pencils for Wednesday. Too bad there were only 3 left... (go to Robert's Bookstore, THEY're in stock there and cheaper!!!)
Feeling a bit disappointed with 3 less pencils than needed, I stumbled upon a Van Gogh doll sitting on a metal rack next to some artsy picture frames.
I was hoping in my head that his ear was detachable, and once I pulled it off.
Made my day.
Leaving the store I figured out my comic idea.
An hour later, I went back to take pictures of the doll and store.
Reference. Take advantage of it.
Now go buy one lol.
My first weekly strip for 112a. I worked my butt off on this one because I was disappointed with my comic page the week before. However, it's all a learning process and we all make mistakes. The #1 thing that was pointed out by John was "Design." Detail is irrelevant if the design is flawed. Do the panels read as effectively from afar and close-up? There's a lot I would definitely change but I figured, what the hey, it's my first!
#1 - Through the farthest reaches of time...
#2 - It's been formulated that white males were born to dominated the sport of Water Polo...
Granted with their...
#3 - Speed,
#4 - Percision &
#5 - Endurance
#6 - It seemed like no one could stop them.
#7 - But with the slightest hope in the hearts of the many fallen...
some supernatural force could defeat them.